Too lazy to update yesterday, so shall update today.
Went out with Meiyi on Thursday and enjoyed myself very much. It's been long since I've went out with her except for track trainings, haha.
Ohh yeah, and today went to track training. Almost killed me. Tiring. Too long didn't train, can only blame myself. But training still help to relieve my stress. At least I don't think too much during trainings. & I'm sorry for thinking that much, I don't want to.
Anyway, I can't get to sleep lately. Dunno what's wrong with me. Drinking warm milk doesn't help that much. And it seems like things have not been too well for me. ARGH, don't want to think ald.
Just read a story. Is it true that it's harder for people to be truthful to each other nowadays? Why can't things be simpler? Ahh, forget it.
Shall get some sleep soon. Going to Sentosa with the trackers tml and meeting RACH after that! Yay. :D

Meiyi and I. My 11-years-best best friend! :D
Makan session with the trackers(:
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