Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Yes you are right

Holidays are coming to an end & I can't seem to focus and do my work. It's been like this since the start of this semster. Common test, somehow it's gonna be a gone case I suppose.

Have been training but my old stupid injury just keep pulling me back. I want to push myself too. It's all in the mind, I tell myself, but does it help? No! It's beyond my body limits. I can't take it anymore! :( or maybe is just ME.

Have been eating and eating and eating to vent all my frustrations which it doesnt seem to help! :(
They say eating helps, comfort foods help. Not true at all. Now Im a fatty bom bom but Im still unhappy!

Im useless. Thanks for bringing sense into me. you know what, upon hearing that, I stoned.
because yes, you are probably right...as I can't even tell what is wrong with me.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Why do I keep sleeping and sleeping and sleeping?!