I'm not a fool.
Perhaps you don't know, but I've ald seen through you.
& seriously, I'm tired ald. Let me tell you, my patience got a limit. You can try testing me if you want. But you will not like it if I change all of a sudden.
I'm trying trying trying very hard to surpress everything & it's not easy.
If one day, I say IF, I am no longer I, then leave me alone.
Monday, December 29, 2008
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Christmas was great!
Party at Carel's house till ard 3.30pm and we had fun eating and all. Carel and her mom demonstrated some experiments to us & cool they were. After that, we had gift exchange. BWAHAHAHA. JASMINE RECEIVED MY PREEZIE! & she love it okay! Anyway, thanks Carel for organising the party(:
The Christmas gifts and wishes were all nice and Lovedddd by me. Thanks people! (:(:(:
And after the party, Jasmine and I went to Bugis cause we wanted so much to have STEAMBOAT. It was a last-min idea so we ain't very sure if we had enough money. We walked to several shops and we were starving ald, but all the prices were too expensive for us. The cheapest price was like $15 + which was like a few bucks away from the sum we brought. So disappointed as we were, we went back to Bugis to eat. & finally, we settled at Pastamania. After which, we went to the arcade and play.We played the throwing ball game. It was a game that you have to keep throwing some small little balls onto the screen to hit the bad guys but not the innocent guys or the rats in the kitchen. & everything was hila-humo-rous Proceeded to Muji and played with some of the things there. & took some funny photos.
shall upload all the photos tgt with the ones at Carel's party soon!
Friday's training was tiring but fun! 10 km warm-up run was enough to tire me out. Guess was due to me not running as much but eating a whole lot of good foods during Christmas. HAAHAA. After the 10km, we were supposed to do 400m x 5 but the coach cancelled it. He said he was going to plan a new program ald and asked us to proceed to abs exercise instead. Ohhhh, hope the next training programm will not be too tough.
Oh well, anyway, after the whole training, was playing Frisbee for leisure with Woon Ching, Grace and Eugene. Must thank the Frisbee team for lending us their Frisbee. haha. UBER FUN. :DD
& I love yoko x2! haha
Party at Carel's house till ard 3.30pm and we had fun eating and all. Carel and her mom demonstrated some experiments to us & cool they were. After that, we had gift exchange. BWAHAHAHA. JASMINE RECEIVED MY PREEZIE! & she love it okay! Anyway, thanks Carel for organising the party(:
The Christmas gifts and wishes were all nice and Lovedddd by me. Thanks people! (:(:(:
And after the party, Jasmine and I went to Bugis cause we wanted so much to have STEAMBOAT. It was a last-min idea so we ain't very sure if we had enough money. We walked to several shops and we were starving ald, but all the prices were too expensive for us. The cheapest price was like $15 + which was like a few bucks away from the sum we brought. So disappointed as we were, we went back to Bugis to eat. & finally, we settled at Pastamania. After which, we went to the arcade and play.We played the throwing ball game. It was a game that you have to keep throwing some small little balls onto the screen to hit the bad guys but not the innocent guys or the rats in the kitchen. & everything was hila-humo-rous Proceeded to Muji and played with some of the things there. & took some funny photos.
shall upload all the photos tgt with the ones at Carel's party soon!
Friday's training was tiring but fun! 10 km warm-up run was enough to tire me out. Guess was due to me not running as much but eating a whole lot of good foods during Christmas. HAAHAA. After the 10km, we were supposed to do 400m x 5 but the coach cancelled it. He said he was going to plan a new program ald and asked us to proceed to abs exercise instead. Ohhhh, hope the next training programm will not be too tough.
Oh well, anyway, after the whole training, was playing Frisbee for leisure with Woon Ching, Grace and Eugene. Must thank the Frisbee team for lending us their Frisbee. haha. UBER FUN. :DD
& I love yoko x2! haha
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Saturday, December 20, 2008
East Coast Park :D
Hello people.
My muscles are aching.Friday's training, as always, is a killer. Yoko Yoko had become my second best friend besides H2O when it comes to training. On Friday, I applied yoko yoko onto my hipbone for like dunno how many times till I can't feel anything besides extreme heat when running. Somehow it do help me to run better w/o any pain holding me back as much as last time do. But yeahh, I know I should not depend too much on it. So, I also did the stretching for my hippy every when I wake up or before I sleep.
I went cycling with Jasmine and Yiting since my mum told me that leisure cycling may also help to rotate my hipbone joints in a way rather than running. I dunno if it's true but I felt like cycling too to distress and have fun. So, I just went & try. Phew, luckily I didn't feel much pain when cycling though there's the "clarrk clarrk". Hopefully, it's the joint rotating to the right position. (:
After that, we went to the beach to enjoy the breeze as well as to get back Jasmine's lost childhood- to build sandcastles. Haa, it was super funny when a Caucasian kid went right in front of Jasmine and stepped on her " Sandcastles towers" and walked away. & Jasmine was like shocked & speechless after that. BWAHAHAHA, her face is darn funny la! LOL.
Yeahh, & must thank Jasmine for her Delicious homemade sandwiches! (: THANKS.
Then, we went back to Dhobby Ghaut to take some pics and to eat dinner.Yiting was showing us some photos of her trip to Hong Kong and America I think. WAA so beautiful loh. *envious envious* haha.
alrights, that's about all. Before I go do some stretching and sleep, here are some of the photos that we took today! :D
Sandwich monster! Finishing up the two boxes of sandwiches? BWAHAHA.
Jasmine, posing with a sandwich too! LOL
Yiting! CANDID(:
The three of us with Sandwiches that Jasmine made. LOL.
Yiting idea's of posing with coconut tree. haha!
TADA! our names, our hand-foot prints and our faces! :) :) :)
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
NAPFA signing of appointment today. Was briefed about what to do as a napfa tester. seem interesting. training afterwards. and arghhhh, I couldn't even complete the workout. stupid hipbone, one more time you ache, I'm goiing to beat you up! sighh. mum wants me to quit track, and many ask me to rest. I know it's just that they care for me, but quitting and regretting afterwards, is that what I really want? I don't think so. Perhaps, I shall continue to train but not overstrain myself.maybe at a comfortable pace? I don't know. hmmm, guess have to listen to my body at times.jiayou girl. don't give up running. It's your passion.
Anyway, thanks track mates for being there with me when I needed help most. Really appreciate your help. Thanks for going thru' everything with me, the tough times definitely.
Come to think of it, I miss Bowen Badminton again. and here are some pics whereby some of us seniors went back for the camp organised by the juniors.

xiaomin, me and yenling! :D
AWESOME friends. meet up more k? (:
I miss the times when we train seriously, sweat and perservere together and laugh when it's time to like nobody's business. bowen badminton
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
chipped nails, muddy legs, soggy shoes, sunny days, sweats, laughters.
kind of miss these fun. :D
Ohh yeahh, recently I read about something and came across this phrase " Why worry? Instead of procastinating your work and worrying, why not procastinate worry?"
Makes some sense. & I am learning not to worry unduly too. Hopefully, I can pull myself out of this pit as I am very tired ald. Seriously, I have to stop worrying about unnecessary thoughts which are not even true in the first place.
Okaay, I'll go for my bed now. I'll update about today's trip with bixue as well as do the quizzes tml! :D
Take care people (:
Lying on the big green field & looking up at the big blue sky.
kind of miss these fun. :D
Ohh yeahh, recently I read about something and came across this phrase " Why worry? Instead of procastinating your work and worrying, why not procastinate worry?"
Makes some sense. & I am learning not to worry unduly too. Hopefully, I can pull myself out of this pit as I am very tired ald. Seriously, I have to stop worrying about unnecessary thoughts which are not even true in the first place.
Okaay, I'll go for my bed now. I'll update about today's trip with bixue as well as do the quizzes tml! :D
Take care people (:
Lying on the big green field & looking up at the big blue sky.
Monday, December 15, 2008
Tagged by Jasmine(:
1. Are you single - Yeaps.
2. Are you happy - Hmmm. fairly ba.
3. Are you bored - haha, No. I'm like doing this quiz.
4. Are you fair - If now, then nope. I'm just back from a camp and I am tanned.
5. Are you Italian - Nope.
6. Are you intelligent - HAHAHA. I wish I were a lil' bit smarter. But I'm satisfied ald.
7. Are you honest - Hmmm, it'll have to depend.
8. Are you nice - hahhaha. Yeahh I suppose? lol
9. Are you Irish - Nope
10. Are you Asian - Yeaps.
1. Full Name - Oh Wan Wen
2. Nicknames - OH! , OWW, 011, mo wan wan, ah wen.
3. Birth place - Singapore.
4. Hair color - Black
5. Natural hair style - straight and a lil' curly at the ends.
6. Eye Color - Black
7. Birthday - 05 July
8. Mood - Depends.
9. Favorite color - Blue, Orange, Green.
10. One place you'd like to visit- Alice's Wonderland.
1. Have you ever been in love - Nope. believe it or not(:
2. Do you believe in love at first sight - Yeaps.
3. Do you currently have a crush? - Nope
4. Have you ever been hurt emotionally- Hmmm, Friendship ba.
5. Have you ever broken someone's heart - yes.
6. Have you ever had your heart broken - ehhh yeaps.
7. Have you ever liked someone but never told them - Yeaps.
8. Are you afraid of commitment- Hmmm, can say so.
9. Who was the last person you hugged - emmm Doraemon? I treated it like my baby & hugged everyday.haha. hmmm okay lah, my mum(: but it was a long time ago.
10. Who was the last person you said I love you to? My mother.(:
1. Love or lust - Love.
2. Hard liquor or beer- None.
3. Cats or dogs - Dogs.
4. A few best friends or any regular friends - Both(:
5. Creamy or Crunchy - Crunchy
6. Pencil or Pen - Pencil, I love to draw(:
7. Wild night out or romantic night in - Depends.
8. Money or Happiness - Happiness(:
9. Night or day - Day.
10. IM or phone - Phone. I have no idea what is a IM.
1. Been caught sneaking out - emm nope? My mum kind of give me freedom as to going out. (:
2. Seen a polar bear - Nope, but I'm hoping to see one!:D
3. Done something you regret - Yeahh, and I regretted till now.
4. Bungee jumped - Nope. But i WANT TO TRY! :D anyone? haha
5. Eaten food that fell on the floor - Yeap.
6. Finished an entire jaw breaker - Nope
7. Been caught naked - Nope!
8. Wanted an ex bf/gf back - Haha, I don't have any.
9. Cried because you lost a pet - Yeaps.
10. Wanted to disappear - Yeaps, though I know it's stupid of me to think so.
1. Smile or eyes - Both.
2. Light or dark hair - Dark hair.
3. Hugs or kisses - Hugs.
4. Shorter or taller - Taller.
5. Intelligence or attraction - Attraction.
6. Topman or Zara - Doesn't matter.
7. Funny or serious - Both.
8. Older or Younger - Older but not too old. haha. like 5 years older at most?
9. Outgoing or quiet - hmm, a lil' of both.(:
10. Sweet or Bad - I don't know.
1. Ever performed in front of a large crowd - Yeaps.
2. Ever talked on the phone for longer than an hour - haha, YEAH.
3. Ever tried walking on your hands - hmmm, if with someone carrying your legs considered, then yes.
4. Ever been to a rock concert - Nope.
5. Ever been on a cheerleading team - Nope.
6. Ever been on a dance team - Yeahh.
7.Ever been on a sports team- Yeah, badminton in the past and track as for now.
8. Ever been in a drama play/production - Nope.
9. Ever owned a BMW, Mercedes Benz, Escalade, Hummer or Bentley? - Nope, I'm not that rich! Besides, public transport save the earth. haha
10. Ever been in a rap video?- Nope!
1. Last phone call you made - Meiyi.
2. Last person you hugged - My mother.
3. Last person you hung out with - The track team.
4. Last time you worked - 1 year ago.
5. Last person you talked to - My sister.
6. Last person you IM'd - sorry, no idea what is a IM.
7. Last person you texted - Bixue.
8. Last person(s) you went to the movies with - Bixue, Jasmine and Yiting.
9. Last person/thing you missed - Bowen Badminton.
10. Last website visited - www.facebook.com
anyone who is free!(:
1. Are you single - Yeaps.
2. Are you happy - Hmmm. fairly ba.
3. Are you bored - haha, No. I'm like doing this quiz.
4. Are you fair - If now, then nope. I'm just back from a camp and I am tanned.
5. Are you Italian - Nope.
6. Are you intelligent - HAHAHA. I wish I were a lil' bit smarter. But I'm satisfied ald.
7. Are you honest - Hmmm, it'll have to depend.
8. Are you nice - hahhaha. Yeahh I suppose? lol
9. Are you Irish - Nope
10. Are you Asian - Yeaps.
1. Full Name - Oh Wan Wen
2. Nicknames - OH! , OWW, 011, mo wan wan, ah wen.
3. Birth place - Singapore.
4. Hair color - Black
5. Natural hair style - straight and a lil' curly at the ends.
6. Eye Color - Black
7. Birthday - 05 July
8. Mood - Depends.
9. Favorite color - Blue, Orange, Green.
10. One place you'd like to visit- Alice's Wonderland.
1. Have you ever been in love - Nope. believe it or not(:
2. Do you believe in love at first sight - Yeaps.
3. Do you currently have a crush? - Nope
4. Have you ever been hurt emotionally- Hmmm, Friendship ba.
5. Have you ever broken someone's heart - yes.
6. Have you ever had your heart broken - ehhh yeaps.
7. Have you ever liked someone but never told them - Yeaps.
8. Are you afraid of commitment- Hmmm, can say so.
9. Who was the last person you hugged - emmm Doraemon? I treated it like my baby & hugged everyday.haha. hmmm okay lah, my mum(: but it was a long time ago.
10. Who was the last person you said I love you to? My mother.(:
1. Love or lust - Love.
2. Hard liquor or beer- None.
3. Cats or dogs - Dogs.
4. A few best friends or any regular friends - Both(:
5. Creamy or Crunchy - Crunchy
6. Pencil or Pen - Pencil, I love to draw(:
7. Wild night out or romantic night in - Depends.
8. Money or Happiness - Happiness(:
9. Night or day - Day.
10. IM or phone - Phone. I have no idea what is a IM.
1. Been caught sneaking out - emm nope? My mum kind of give me freedom as to going out. (:
2. Seen a polar bear - Nope, but I'm hoping to see one!:D
3. Done something you regret - Yeahh, and I regretted till now.
4. Bungee jumped - Nope. But i WANT TO TRY! :D anyone? haha
5. Eaten food that fell on the floor - Yeap.
6. Finished an entire jaw breaker - Nope
7. Been caught naked - Nope!
8. Wanted an ex bf/gf back - Haha, I don't have any.
9. Cried because you lost a pet - Yeaps.
10. Wanted to disappear - Yeaps, though I know it's stupid of me to think so.
1. Smile or eyes - Both.
2. Light or dark hair - Dark hair.
3. Hugs or kisses - Hugs.
4. Shorter or taller - Taller.
5. Intelligence or attraction - Attraction.
6. Topman or Zara - Doesn't matter.
7. Funny or serious - Both.
8. Older or Younger - Older but not too old. haha. like 5 years older at most?
9. Outgoing or quiet - hmm, a lil' of both.(:
10. Sweet or Bad - I don't know.
1. Ever performed in front of a large crowd - Yeaps.
2. Ever talked on the phone for longer than an hour - haha, YEAH.
3. Ever tried walking on your hands - hmmm, if with someone carrying your legs considered, then yes.
4. Ever been to a rock concert - Nope.
5. Ever been on a cheerleading team - Nope.
6. Ever been on a dance team - Yeahh.
7.Ever been on a sports team- Yeah, badminton in the past and track as for now.
8. Ever been in a drama play/production - Nope.
9. Ever owned a BMW, Mercedes Benz, Escalade, Hummer or Bentley? - Nope, I'm not that rich! Besides, public transport save the earth. haha
10. Ever been in a rap video?- Nope!
1. Last phone call you made - Meiyi.
2. Last person you hugged - My mother.
3. Last person you hung out with - The track team.
4. Last time you worked - 1 year ago.
5. Last person you talked to - My sister.
6. Last person you IM'd - sorry, no idea what is a IM.
7. Last person you texted - Bixue.
8. Last person(s) you went to the movies with - Bixue, Jasmine and Yiting.
9. Last person/thing you missed - Bowen Badminton.
10. Last website visited - www.facebook.com
anyone who is free!(:
Track camp was marvellous! :D
Awesome indeed.
First day was training followed by night activities. We watched a short video about NYP ATHLETICS. Whee, touching!(: and also, we celebrated Mr Guru's Birthday! :D
Hmmm, then we had some kind of "self-introduction" talk about ourselves. After that, we had a kind of night-walk till like 2am i suppose? It's like we were given clues to reach a destination. It requires a lot of teamwork and communication, and gladly everyone participated and we managed to reach that place which was the TRACK! :D
Second day was tiring but DUPER FUN.
We were split up into groups, and my group consists of Eugene, Sabril, Grace and myself(: There were altogether 3 stations which were the sprints, jumps and throws before the major relay station. Oh man, I will definitely miss walking with my hands on the field, the throwing of water bombs at each other, the jumping about, the gliding under hurdles, the Trust-Fall and the laughters and fun(:
And the best part was the POOL SESSION. We get to play Captain's Ball in the swimming pool for like about 3 hours? Woooww! Woonching and I were like split into the same group for continously 3 times and we had GREAT TEAMWORK. :D The rest of both teams were great too! Everyone participated to the fullest and we had a ultra-hilarous session man! & yeah, after that, we were all tanned. haha.
Oh well, overall, I really want to thank the seniors for planning such a wonderful team-bonding camp!:D Really enjoyed myself and I'm sure the others did too! ^^
alrights, take care people! Buhbye :D
Awesome indeed.
First day was training followed by night activities. We watched a short video about NYP ATHLETICS. Whee, touching!(: and also, we celebrated Mr Guru's Birthday! :D
Hmmm, then we had some kind of "self-introduction" talk about ourselves. After that, we had a kind of night-walk till like 2am i suppose? It's like we were given clues to reach a destination. It requires a lot of teamwork and communication, and gladly everyone participated and we managed to reach that place which was the TRACK! :D
Second day was tiring but DUPER FUN.
We were split up into groups, and my group consists of Eugene, Sabril, Grace and myself(: There were altogether 3 stations which were the sprints, jumps and throws before the major relay station. Oh man, I will definitely miss walking with my hands on the field, the throwing of water bombs at each other, the jumping about, the gliding under hurdles, the Trust-Fall and the laughters and fun(:
And the best part was the POOL SESSION. We get to play Captain's Ball in the swimming pool for like about 3 hours? Woooww! Woonching and I were like split into the same group for continously 3 times and we had GREAT TEAMWORK. :D The rest of both teams were great too! Everyone participated to the fullest and we had a ultra-hilarous session man! & yeah, after that, we were all tanned. haha.
Oh well, overall, I really want to thank the seniors for planning such a wonderful team-bonding camp!:D Really enjoyed myself and I'm sure the others did too! ^^
alrights, take care people! Buhbye :D
Monday, December 8, 2008
Saturday, December 6, 2008
I'm dying.
I'm super tired. The emotions are going to eat me up one day.
Why can't I just be normal?
What had exactly happened to me?
I'm falling apart, I'm dying.
I'm really sorry if I did something wrong. cause I don't meant to. Please, give me somemore time. I will change.
Bring me to wonderland & stay with the rabbits and bears.
I'm super tired. The emotions are going to eat me up one day.
Why can't I just be normal?
What had exactly happened to me?
I'm falling apart, I'm dying.
I'm really sorry if I did something wrong. cause I don't meant to. Please, give me somemore time. I will change.
Bring me to wonderland & stay with the rabbits and bears.
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